Sunday, 20 November 2011

Analysing responses from my Questionnaire

1. If the front cover of a magazine is boring would you continue to read the magazine?

9/10 said 'b) No, the front cover must catch my attention'
1/10 said 'a) The front cover is not important to me, I would continue to read the magazine'

2. How many student magazines have you read?

7/10 said 'a) 0 - 5'
2/10 said 'c) More than 10'
1/10 said 'b 6-10'

3. Do you prefer a magazine which is...

6/10 said 'a) focused on pictures'
3/10 said 'balance of both'
1/10 said 'b) focused on text'

4. What price would you be willing to pay for  a magazine?

5/10 said 'b) £1 - £2.50'
4/10 said 'a) £0 - £1'
1/10 said 'c) £2.50 - £4.00'

5. What is your favourite part of a magazine?

5/10 said 'Fun facts, photos, light articles'
2/10 said 'Reality Stories'
2/10 said 'Horoscopes'
1/10 said 'Fashion, beauty tips'

6. What do you dislike about magazines?

6/10 said 'Too much text and advertisements'
3/10 said 'Lack of colour and design'
1/10 said 'Celebrity columns'

7. Would you prefer a contents page which is...

7/10 said 'a) Brief'
3/10 said 'b) Detailed'

8. How often would you like a magazine to be published?

6/10 said 'c) Monthly'
3/10 said 'b) Weekly'
1/10 said 'd) Seasonally'

9. If you enjoyed reading a magazine are you likely to read the next issue?

9/10 said 'a) Yes'
1/10 said 'c) I don't know'

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