Sunday, 13 November 2011

Student ID (Contents Page)

This is issue 9 of Student ID by Ludlow College. The contents page is clearly organised into three main colomns with a bold title saying 'Inside ID'.  This type face is common across the content pages in all issues of Student ID.  The audience are drawn to the column in the centre of the contents page which is the most important feature of this page emphasized by the colour pink. The contents page gives the readers the cover lines of each double spread page. The cover lines make the audience feel as if the stories are interesting and exclusive in this specific issue. In the column on the left readers are also given an editorial. The contents page includes a short letter from this issues editor expressing her thoughts on topics within the previous issue and her own personal message to students. I think that the editorial allows the students to relate to the editor on a personal level, the editor writes her name at the end of the letter. This means that students can understand the approach taken to creating this magazine and they may feel comfortable to write back to the editor suggesting their own ideas and thoughts of the magazine. This is important as editors and creators of the magazine need to understand what their audience wants from the magazine. The editor gives a positive response to the previous issue suggesting that there was high circulation and success with that issue. The third column gives a brief insight of the content of this issue by using pictures. This is useful as readers don't usually spend a lot of time reading the contents page, through pictures they can quickly see issues presented on each page. Overall I think that this is a strong contents page which is presented well and brief which talks about important topics. I think that the graphics on this page could be improved to make it more enticing and exciting for potential students reading the magazine.

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